Posts Tagged ‘hobbies’

Plodding Onward

person holding a green plant

Photo by Akil Mazumder on

Plodding Onward

By Erica Rivers, LPC-S, CPT

Gardening is simple, right?  Ya plant a seed, you water, give it some sun, and … it grows, right?  Easy peezy.  Ha!  I’ve gradually been working on making my thumb greener… from house plants like the peace lily, to small hydroponic/aquaponic indoor systems with herbs, to bushes and flowers in the front yard, to vegetables in containers and a greenhouse.  Gradually, over time and a large learning curve, I have kept more and more alive.  It seems every plant has its own quirky needs and it takes a while to learn it.  And, don’t get me started on temperatures, insects, and shade vs. sunshine!  I mean… It’s a lot!!  If I had to depend on my gardens for food, I would be in big trouble.  I’d better learn to enjoy chocolate-covered insects, as they have a large amount of protein!  Yum.

So, I’m thankful that I have actually reaped a few veggies and herbs here and there.  I’ve enjoyed the beauty of three lilies at a time on my peace lily plant above my kitchen window.  I’ve even given my mom some swiss chard from the green house (enough to make one tiny sauteed serving!).  It’s fun and yes, clearly it’s a hobby.  I would love for it to be more down the road and actually produce enough to supplement grocery trips but, we’re not quite there.

My point is that gardening is a lot like other things in life.  It takes time to learn.  It’s hard.  There are many factors that can help a plant thrive or wilt and die.  Relationships are the same.  Businesses are the same (because they are made up of humans and systems).  They take tending, nurturing, watering, sunshine, and love.  The soil that a seed or small plant is first planted in makes a big difference to the outcome.  Sometimes a relationship starts in soil that is too acidic, alkaline, or rocky, too.  It doesn’t mean that it has no chance, it just means that some adjustments need to made.  It means we need to learn what each plant needs.  We have to look out for our loved ones and figure out what is helping them grow or if they are lacking some basic nutrients.  It is a daily awareness of our own needs and then looking out for loving those we love and doing it well.  It’s not an easy task because just as a plant cannot simply tell you, “Please, ma’am, a few more drops of water daily and a little more fertilizer this month, if you will,” a person doesn’t always know how to tell you what they need in the moment, either.  They may, also, choose an ineffective or harsh way of telling you.  They may be in a place of wilting when they are communicating their needs and sometimes it’s far past when you needed to know… or, you missed the signs.  Yes, it’s that complex.  We humans are a complex bunch.

So, what do we do to make a better garden or relationship or business???  We learn, we pay attention, and we keep slowly altering the soil, the shade, the water, the fertilizer, the location, etc. etc.  It’s constant little adjustments… it’s paying attention to the needs, the wants and adjusting accordingly.  It’s being willing to be flexible and gracious, knowing there can be a steep learning curve with a lot of mistakes along the way.  And, we keep studying what each unique plant needs… we ask experts… we read books and magazines… we learn (hopefully) from our mistakes… and we work on consistency in all those healthy habits (like watering which I have found is very key to greenery!).  Yes, we keep plodding on, learning to take good care of plants and hearts.




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